Joining the kinship

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If you think our kinship is a good fit for you, and you’re willing to be a kind, mature, and supportive fellow member, then you are very welcome to join us. Just contact an officer in-game or send an email to the officers that includes your character name and a day and time you’ll be online.

Contacting us in-game

If you’re an experienced LOTRO player, you can join us by searching for “eagles” using the Fellowing tab in the social panel. Just send a tell to any Eagles of Thorondor member and ask to be contacted by an officer of the kin. Or, send an in-game mail to one of the officers that includes a day and time you’ll be online and an officer will contact you then.

If you’re new to LotRO, find us in game doing the following:

  1. Create a character on the Arkenstone server
  2. Complete the Intro to the game
  3. In the Chat panel, type:
    /who Eagles
  4. In the list, you can view which players are in the Eagles of Thorondor kinship vs those who have Eagle as part of their player name or another kin.  Then contact one of our members and ask to be contacted by an Officer.

If you are still having trouble reaching an officer, get through the game intro. Once you are in the main game world, you’ll be able to send and receive in-game emails. Go to a mailbox and create a new message. Type the name of an officer in the ‘to’ field. Tell them when you’re generally online and one of them will contact you to arrange a meet-up in-game.