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My new home is 1 Twinfall path in Glinil, Falathorn.
It’s nice to have a change of home. I was in the Shire before and had numbers 1 and 2 Pleasant street, great for hoping over the fence to the bank, supplier etc. When I arrived in Arkenstone I couldn’t find a deluxe and normal together and so went to look elsewhere. These elvish houses are really lovely and appear to be very large inside. I now have an upstairs bedroom. The house is just above the vendor and the bank and across the bridge from my alt’s regular home at number 3.
Feel free to visit at any time. I have some crafting facilities, a workbench and a scholars desk and a supplier horn. My home is open to all kin members.
We should have a new house warming party for everyone – we all have new homes now.