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Thank you for your important questions for the candidates. As you know, the leader isn’t able to enact legislation (yes, i’m trying to sound very official) without the Council’s majority approval, so despite my answers below, know these are only my personal opinions.
1. On the weekends, I often organized events that are during Eurozone-friendly times in my previous terms. And, just recently, I organized the majority of the alliance events that took place on Saturday, January 29th from 1pm-4pm, which is Eurozone-friendly. I will continue to do so.
2. Personally, I believe we need to strengthen the alliance as it currently exists before attempting to add more member kinships. I’m not alone in believing the alliance needs more attention as one alliance leader has already approached me on the topic when they found out I was running for leader of the Eagles again. A second has hinted, rather than blatantly said, that we need to do more things as an alliance.
Re: growing the kinship – I believe in this strongly for a few reasons
a) first one of the most common complaints I receive is that there aren’t enough people online that would like to group up even when using teb-talk. Everyone has different play style and that’s something we support and promote within the Eagles. Some people prefer group play, others already have a best friend or significant other that they can group with and some truly do like solo play best. I think our members should be free to play at their own comfort level. So, though there may be six level 100s online at one time, you may have only two that want to run anything because others prefer to solo quest/skirm or to fellow with their bestie, etc.
b) We also don’t have enough lower level toons to pair up with other lower level toons in the kinship to assist with fellowship quests, etc. Many of us will help out if available – which is great to help people advance to the next quest, but having a level 100 in a level 58 run doesn’t really help our newer players learn the instances or their classes – though it is good for showing camaraderie and building community. And, at times we’re not available or would like to do something else, leaving certain lower level members asking for days upon days for help with the same thing.
I also want to point out that I don’t think expanding the size of the kinship in any way deters us from achieving our goals. We have a solid process of handling infractions of the CoC. If someone is violating our CoC numerous times, they will be removed from the kinship (this should answer another of your questions, Nida). I think we can have both quality and quantity if we follow through with our procedures and make sure all recruits agree to the CoC prior to being invited in.
3. As I am not VIP, I can’t play freepside, so I’d be unable to do this. I do not believe we have regularly active players that play freepside at the moment, though some do on occasion. So, I’ll let them answer this question.
4. No one is allowed to hold the title “supreme leader” in the Eagles. Even if, by some small chance, the Eagles changed from a democracy to something else, I don’t like the title “supreme leader”. So, I would vote no on this. Just want to be transparent :P.
5. As mentioned earlier, we have a system in place to track violations of the CoC. On our website, below the CoC is a guide to actions council members will take should violations of the CoC occur.
I can’t believe I spent my entire lunch stuffing my face and writing this up. I’m such a nerd.