Reply To: Four-legged Friends – Post your pics and stories!


This is the newest addition to our family. Her full name is Eliza but we call her Liza.

I don’t know her story. She was abandoned at the SPA close to my home. I don’t know her birthday or her original name or even her race. I think she is a long haired Dachshund crossed with something that has longer legs.

She looks a little nervous here. We’d only just brought her home. She had been a month in the shelter. They do a wonderful job, all the volunteers there, but it is not a nice place. The smell is horrendous and the animals only have a small concrete area to live, eat, sleep and everything else.

I have never had a dog in my life. I have never wanted one. I have always had cats, several at a time. I went with a friend to the SPA shelter. She is also a cat person and only had one. She wanted one or two more. I saw this little soul, peering out from behind the wire. She looked terrified. Surrounded by big, barking hunting dogs which are often abandoned here after the hunting season. Liza didn’t belong there she was so scared. So I brought her home.

I had no idea what to do. I am just following my instincts and information on the internet. I make her food and biscuits and take her for long walks. After a week she still chases the cats, she still isn’t fully house trained but we are making progress together. She is very loving and I can’t imagine why someone would abandon her.
