Four-legged Friends – Post your pics and stories!

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    • #532

      Hey guys,

      Many of us are animal lovers in the Eagles of Thorondor. If you’d like, post a pic of your favorite four-legged friend, whether IRL or in-game, with their name(s) and, if you’d like, a short bit about him or her. 1 – 2 – 3 – GO!

      I’ll start off. I’ll begin with the newest member of my family – Demeter (aka Gollum or Demi). This first pic was when she was just a wee babe. For those of you that don’t know her story, I’ll try to make it brief. My step-sister was taking a walk near her apartment complex last June and heard a kitten screaming. She followed the noises to an abandoned couch in the middle of a field. There, she found kittens, all dead but one. She took that one, but knowing she couldn’t keep it because it was very small and she had rowdy toddlers, she called my mom for help who then called me for help. I was going to take her for only a few weeks until she was weaned, as I already had three cats and desired no more in my house. I bottle fed her four to six times a day (and had a baby sitter check on her while I was at work!) for about a week before discovering she had a problem. I won’t go into details of multiple vet visits, but she had some deformities which weren’t apparent looking at her from the outside. She was extremely happy, so I decided to try and fix them. Needless to say, she was now mine. She still has health issues and may need an additional surgery or two in the future, but she’s a lot better than when she was young.


    • #537

      Aww, such a cutie.

      • #842

        Just in case you didn’t get enough of Demi, here is her and Captain Jean-Luc Picard looking out the window :).

      • #1912

        Woah, had to open that because I had just seen the other pic with what I think is a real picard. I was beginning to wonder if you and him were buddies. LOL, come on over and wear your uniform. Sometimes wishful thinking interferes with common sense.

    • #543

      Introducing today my two favourite pets: Pueppie and Rabea, the fearsome sisters! :-D

      Pueppie, the elder one, is now 6 years old. She came to live with us when she was only 3 months old. I was surfing the internet and fell instantly in love with this cute kitten with the big paws playing with a red ball. We then actually spent a lot of money on my “discovery”, as Pueppie turned out to be a cat with a pedigree. Being an alpha girl she’s also a cat with an attitude, she’s easily stressed (especially by her younger sister), she’s very intelligent and if she feels like it she plays the “goalkeeper” or brings back to us what we throw for her (much like a dog). She is the one with the muscles and would, for sure, impress any and every orc.

      Her little sister Rabea (and indeed from the same parents) is the “sun” and “light” of our home. :-) She’s 5 years old, slender and playful and always has a very relaxed attitude. She’s also a fantastic jumper, no bookshelf is too high for her (and we have lots of bookshelves in our house). Rabea loves to be cuddled and to play and if we “forget” she reminds us that it’s time for it. She’s the one who also likes to jump to the keyboard and turn the image on the screen upside down or makes one letter fill the entire screen. Rabea always “finds” the weirdest shortcuts that I didn’t even know existed! :-D

      For sure, with these two animal companions I’m up to oppose anyone and anything! ;-)

      • #546

        Beautiful cats, Cay! And, indeed, you could take on anything in the world with these two at your side! :D

    • #548

      Demeter is soooo cute, Gui! She has blue eyes, hasn’t she? :-) Crossing my fingers for her to get better and better. :-)

    • #555
      Hamesh (Ame)

      Cay – here’s my Marco — looks like he’s a cousin to your kitties! He’s definitely a beta animal, always kind and loving to other cats, and yielding to their wishes. Marco loves playing fetch and chasing a laser light, keeping low to the ground. Not easy when you’re the size of a small dog!

      • #559

        Marco’s a beautiful cat, Ame! He does look like he could be a cousin to my two girls. LOL! :-)

      • #582

        Lovely, Ame!

    • #562

      Awww you guys have adorable kitties!

      This is my big grey cat, Izzy. I got him from a shelter in 2010. He gets super excited any time I bring him a new toy, I’ve never seen a cat get as excited as him…almost as excited as when you bring out food. He’s 6 now. :)

      • #583

        My Demi/Gollum is all gray as well and gets super excited for toys! Izzy is adorabs!

    • #569
      Hamesh (Ame)

      In the first photo he looks very regal, like an Egyptian temple cat. Such plush fur!

      • #576

        Haha yeah, he likes to pose for the camera. Such a ham. :P

    • #586

      Ok here goes… We’ve got Kitty (brownish cat), King Richard (grey cat), Jameson (Dog), and Weet-Weet (guinea pig).

      Kitty was my first, I was moving to a new apartment and had my door open while carrying stuff in, she walked in and fell asleep in one of my boxes. I figured there was no arguing that she lived there now.

      King Richard (Ricky for short) was my uncles cat. My uncle moved down south and wasn’t able to take Ricky with him. I took him in.. Originally was called Ric by my uncle, I quickly updated to King Richard.

      Jameson is a Yorkshire terrier Maltese mix. We adopted him from a opps litter we found on craigslist. We named him Jameson because my girlfriend jokes she had to get me drunk to agree to get him, and it just so happened to be Jameson I was drinking :)

      Weet-Weet is our guinea pig. Named for the crazy noises she makes. Excuse the mess in the picture of her and Kitty, we had just moved and were still unpacking!

    • #588

      looks like this will be multipost!

    • #591

      looks like this will be multipost!… again

      • #594

        Thanks for sharing, Thendo! They all look adorabs! I loved your story about the first cat you adopted and how really, she adopted YOU! LOL

        Do the cats respect Weet Weet? – it seems so from the photo. Was a bit surprised! :)


      • #595

        Ricky could care less about weet lol… kitty only wants to harass her when she is in the cage, when we take weet out kitty really wants nothing to do with her, but then she wants to go sit in the cage.. Cats are weird haha.

    • #596

      I think it’s time for my second entry! Next, I’ll introduce the oldest of my four-legged family members – Artemis. Yes, she really is the physical embodiment of the Greek goddess ;).

      Artemis will turn 18 in May of 2015. She’s very special to me. Here is her story:

      One Spring day, my mother found a cat hit in front of her house. My mother always removes animals if they’re intact. She’d rather that than they be run over and mashed to bits. When she moved the cat, she noticed that she must have recently had kittens as she was full of milk. Unfortunately, we didn’t know where the kittens were. A few hours later, she was doing yard work and found the kittens under our front porch – having accidentally sprayed them with ant killer and hearing little screams. I helped her remove the kittens from under the front porch. One had already passed and there were four remaining. They were very small. Their eyes were still closed and they couldn’t walk. We rushed them to the vet – we were told they were between 3 and 6 days old. My mother and I had nursed kittens before, but never ones this young.

      We gave it all we had. We woke up every three hours in the middle of the night (rotating the duty) to feed them and my mother took them to work with her so they’d get fed often enough. At the time, I was in college, so the days I didn’t have class or wasn’t at my part-time job, they stayed home with me so that I could feed them, bathe them, and help them go to the restroom.

      Unfortunately, Ares and Aristophanes passed away within two weeks. We ramped up our efforts with the two remaining – Artemis and Athena. We were absolutely heart-broken when Athena passed away as well. The only remaining kitten – Artemis. A few days after Athena passed away, she began exhibiting the same symptoms as the others. Again, we ran to the vet and pleaded with the vet to help us save her. A vet tech came to our house every day for two weeks to administer IV fluids to, and do a checkup on, this tiny kitten. Artemis made it through.

      Because she was so tiny, she lived in my bedroom (I lived with my mother while in undergraduate college). The first three months of her life were spent in a baby playpen that had a small and mild heating pad, stuffed animals and blankets. Her growth was stunted for a while, so she remained in my room as we were afraid my mother’s adult cats and German Shepherd (who absolutely adored baby animals of any type – including raccoons) would accidentally hurt or kill her.

      She bonded with me and came to see me as her mother. Because of her isolation, she didn’t like other cats and when she was finally big enough to introduce her to the rest of my mother’s flock, she terrorized my mother’s other cats. It was decided after two months of trying to integrate her, that she’d have to live her life in my bedroom until I moved out post-college. And, the rest is history.

      I learned later that if I introduce a cat to her that’s a small kitten, that she’ll put up with it. So, our flock currently has four cats (one of which is the introductory post to this forum thread). At this very minute, she’s sitting next to me as I type this. Artemis has been my constant companion for over seventeen years. When I’m in bed sick, she’s there with me. When I’m playing LOTRO, she’s there with me. Her health is declining and I know that one day in the not so far future, I’ll lose my best friend. But, until then, I will cherish every second I have with her.

      I know this was a long story – please forgive my gushiness when it comes to one very special cat – Artemis Doomslayer :).

    • #601

      More pictures of Artemis coming…..

      Mommy – No I did not knock over your Star Trek toys! (caption for one of the photos)

      • #825

        Rather belated, Gui, but I still wanted to thank you for sharing this account on your friendship with Artemis and hers with you. How truly wonderful!!

      • #1363

        Just thought I should let everyone know that last week was Artemis’ 18th Birthday! She can officially vote now!

      • #1370

        That’s amazing, Gui! Happy belated birthday, Artemis!!! :-)

    • #640

      Luri and I don’t have any pets (yet!) but here’s a photo of Tinker, my family’s dog. She’s part Pug, part Border Terrier, all naughty.

      She has a very strong personality and keeps us all entertained with her funny little ways. If you put something on the floor she’ll stand and bark at it until you move it. She’ll jump on the sofa and pull the cushions around to make a little nest. Mum has swapped the fancy cushions for more dog-resistant ones but Tinker definitely prefers the silk cushions ;)

      Here she is with one of her new Christmas treats.

      • #717

        Adorable, Saed. Honestly – LOOK AT THAT FACE!

      • #719

        Yep, she’s definitely got the family resemblance ;)

    • #821

      UPDATE! Luri and I are now very proud parents to Betsy. She’s a 3-month old Tibetan Terrier. She’s almost entirely black which makes it very hard to get a decent photograph, but here’s a first attempt.

      • #824

        Congrats, Saed and Luri! Terriers are so lively and friendly. Have much fun with your youngest family member! :-)

    • #823

      Gratz, Saed and Luri! Terrier’s hairdos always make them look older than they are – I love it.

    • #837

      I can’t always use my Laptop. Even the cats take it over sometimes. Here is the youngest.

      • #841

        Kixou is lovely, Nida! My cat Persephone really likes the warmth of my laptop as well. Constant battle with her!

        And, yes, everyone, I will get around to posting Persephone’s story and pics on this forum soon!


      • #846

        Your cat is lovely, Nida! :-)

      • #943

        Hahaha! Kixou soooo wants a cuddle.

    • #875

      For all of you who are cat owners and major lotro enthusiasts, check out this YouTube video brought to my attention by our kinnie Beril:

      I wish I could afford these!


      • #877

        Haha! Sooo funny! I’m sure my cats would love these. :-D

      • #881

        that is truly amazing!

    • #932

      It’s taken a while for me to post, but here’s my first instalment.

      Please say hello to my sweet little Pippin (or Peregrin Took when she’s in trouble, lol). I rescued Pippin from an iffy house about 10 years ago and this little fluff ball was one of the most active among them. Her mother was a Maine Coon but we have no idea about the father.

      She’s a quiet one and tends to be a little afraid of the wind!

      • #946

        Your Pippin is so lovely, Neem! :-) She reminds me very much of my own cat Rabea.

    • #937

      She is lovely Neem – really sweet!

    • #938

      And finally….please meet my beautiful and courageous Frodo (Or Frodo Baggins when she is a little bag of trouble, lol). She is my first ever pet and so she is my precious. My sister gave me Frodo when I graduated my teacher training, but before that I was a little apprehensive about cats-mainly because when I was younger my mum’s cat would climb up the back of my night dress and because I watched a movie once where cats sat on kids’ faces and suffocated them (Stephen King maybe)- and now, I love them dearly.

      Frodo seems to have a “Having a bad day?” detector and fixes it with oodles of cuddles.

      • #947

        Your Frodo is great, too! I find it amazing how cats always seem to know when it’s an extra good time for cuddling. :-)

      • #961

        Neem, Frodo and Pippin are adorable! Thank you for sharing :). I still have two more cats to add to this thread myself. *gulp*

    • #991

      Hey guys,

      Here is my third installment. My second oldest cat is Persephone. She’s a small, shy, and scared kitty that my mother rescued from a cat colony – the only one in a litter my mom was able to catch. At the time, Persie was about three months old. She was born with a deformed tail, which is actually super cute. She is now around 8 years old. On a side note: My mom still feeds her brother at the cat colony being.

      She loves cat beds, cuddling with me, and quiet time. However, she does not like Demeter/Gollum or Minerva who are both under two years of age and very wild.

      Friends, meet Persephone!

    • #997

      Gosh, Persephone would fit right in with my mini fellowship! Her colouring and markings are gorgeous. Pretty Persephone!

    • #1376

      Two seven weekish old kittens were dropped at the library today by two homeless people who said the mom was run over by a car. I tried looking the other way for a whole hour hoping a co-worker would step up (there are over 100 employees in that building) but no one did. Alas, I have two little boys that I’ve just taken to the vet. They have eye infections, a really bad case of earmites, and worms, but I’m loaded down with meds for them and hope once they’re all healed, to find them homes. I’m officially the crazy cat lady now.

      This isn’t the best picture but since they were really traumatized at the vet and are feral, I wanted to give them a break before handling them again. Will post better pics later!


      • #1379

        They are lovely, Gui, thanks for sharing!

        Two years ago I took a lovely kitten home from work. The white and grey male was hiding in the bushes, someone had probably put him there. He was maybe 4 weeks old. No one wanted to take the cutie home, so I did. The vet said he’d never seen so many fleas on such a little cat before. :-)

        Well, unfortunaely, our alpha cat did not accept the little one (although we kept him in a separate room at first) and got aggressive with our other cat, so that after two weeks of trying I had to give him away. He was mewing and I was sobbing in the car feeling so sad to let the little sunshine go… Well, he found a good home and my girls went back to normal. But I’m still thinking of him with fondness and just did so when I read your story.

      • #1397

        Good news! I believe I have found a forever home for the kittens. If all goes well and the individual agrees to the conditions I have for adoptions, they will be gone sometime next week. I got some better pics a couple of days ago. Enjoy! (and don’t be too jealous of my pajama pants)

      • #1773

        The boys were adopted in June but have come back to me, unfortunately. They are very loving, though at seven or eight months, they are a bit naughty :). I’ll be trying to find them a home again as six cats is really too much for me to take on by myself. There rather large and not even done growing! Here’s an updated photo of them so you can see how beautiful they are.

    • #1440

      Just a quick word to say that Demeter’s 1st birthday was two weekends ago and this week marks the 1 year anniversary that I rescued her. Time flies!

    • #1569

      This is my baby. His name is Fumaça, which means “Smoke” in brazillian portuguese, and he’s a Russian Blue. He’s the king of the house.

      • #1574

        Eos, thanks for sharing! He is beautiful. I particularly like the photo of him cuddling with his stuffed animal :).


    • #1575

      Fumaça is beautiful! And I must say that the color of his stuffed friend matches Fumaça’s very well. :-D

    • #1618

      I don’t have a cat :(, but I found this.

      • #1921


        I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this. It’s amazing!

    • #1775

      Also, wanted to post a pic of my unfinished Xmas tree (still working on it) but Artemis and Minerva took an immediate liking to it. You can see them under it. Artemis is to the right and Minerva to the left.

    • #1917

      Ok, i’ll post some pics of Trapper. I got him from doggy jail and came prenamed about 3years or so old. First picture is after I dried him off after a daily play session. Second is one of him fishing.
      Trapper has always listened good enough and was eager to please so it was easy for me to fulfill daily exercise and mental stimulation for him. He’s been living on borrowed time for quite a while now but still enjoys the game of ‘hide the cookies’.
      Oh, trap is a lab mixed with something… or maybe nothing. I’m pretty sure that he was a bird (quail) dog before I got him because when one would fly up into a tree; he’d look back at me like “well?”. Plus he’d always work the area in front of me like in a search pattern going back and forth. Sticks were what he considered toys till I showed him tennis balls are way better. He’s made me a big fan of the retriever class dogs in general. Easy way to get the dog his exercise on days when you don’t have the hour for a decently long walk.
      starting to ramble so stopping here.

      • #1922

        Thank you for sharing, Jobarn! It sounds like you and Trapper have become quite the pair. It was very lovely of you to rescue him – all my cats are rescues. My mom has a dog that she boards that looks very similar to Trapper. Her name is Hannah and she’s a Yellow Lab. Of all the dogs my mother regularly boards, she is my favorite – so easy going, always in a good mood, and wants to slobber all over me.

        Again, thanks for sharing :)


    • #1981

      I’m reading “I Could Pee on This and other poems by Cats” Thought I’d share my favorites here:

      This is my chair
      This is my couch
      That is my bed
      That is my bench
      There is my chaise
      There is my settee
      Those are my footstools
      Those are my rugs
      Everywhere is my place to sleep
      Perhaps you should just got a hotel room

      Sometimes when I lie on your warm chest
      And hear your every happy sigh
      I gaze into your two kind eyes
      And wonder, “Who is that?”

      I lick your nose
      I lick your nose again
      I drag my claws down your eyelids
      Oh, you’re up? Feed me

      There’s another cat in the house
      A cat I’ve never seen
      A much YOUNGER cat
      You seem to know her name
      You accidentally called me by her name
      Right in front of the lamp
      And my friend the throw pillow
      I’ve never been so humiliated
      I may never love again

      I knead your chest with my sharp claws
      To show you my affection
      I bit your arm and don’t let go
      To show you adoration
      I walk across your throat at night
      Because I want to say, “Hello!”
      I leap from high upon your crotch
      Because I miss you so
      I trip you when you walk down the stairs
      So you know I’m always near
      I sit on your face and block all your air
      So my absence you need not fear
      I show my low in so many ways
      My devotion runneth over
      So I don’t know why when I approach
      You duck and run for cover

      And, I’m only half way through the book!


    • #2149

      This is the newest addition to our family. Her full name is Eliza but we call her Liza.

      I don’t know her story. She was abandoned at the SPA close to my home. I don’t know her birthday or her original name or even her race. I think she is a long haired Dachshund crossed with something that has longer legs.

      She looks a little nervous here. We’d only just brought her home. She had been a month in the shelter. They do a wonderful job, all the volunteers there, but it is not a nice place. The smell is horrendous and the animals only have a small concrete area to live, eat, sleep and everything else.

      I have never had a dog in my life. I have never wanted one. I have always had cats, several at a time. I went with a friend to the SPA shelter. She is also a cat person and only had one. She wanted one or two more. I saw this little soul, peering out from behind the wire. She looked terrified. Surrounded by big, barking hunting dogs which are often abandoned here after the hunting season. Liza didn’t belong there she was so scared. So I brought her home.

      I had no idea what to do. I am just following my instincts and information on the internet. I make her food and biscuits and take her for long walks. After a week she still chases the cats, she still isn’t fully house trained but we are making progress together. She is very loving and I can’t imagine why someone would abandon her.

      • #2164


        How lovely! She’s such a lucky little doggie – if it weren’t for your kind heart, she’d still be there :). I look forward to hearing updates as she progresses and settles into her new home. I’m sure she is SO HAPPY.

        While I have no dogs, I grew up with them and my mother still has two dogs and boards up to 6 additional dogs at time for her clients. So, if you have any questions, let me know and I can pass them on to my mother.



      • #2178

        Oh Nida, she’s adorable! I know it must be a bit scary having a dog when you’ve never had one before, but with love and care she’ll soon settle in. I hope you enjoy each other’s company and grow into a happy little family.


      • #2180

        *dies* What a cutie! Betsy has a thing for hairy Dachshunds (her gf is a dark haired one), I’m sure she’d be thrilled to meet up with Eliza :)

    • #2182

      Here’s an update photo of Betsy, this was before she had her buzzcut ;___;

      • #2289

        What a funny picture Guiv. Looks like a furry light on the end of a stick.
        Bestsy is lovely Luri, I am sure Liza would like her, she seems to like everyone and everything and gets so excited by everything.

        Had a bit of a turnaround today. Liza has been trying to say hello to the cats and they have been running away as she is too excited. Today Kixou chases Liza around the kitchen and the cornered her after a swipe. Now it is Liza who avoids Kixou. Hope they settle down eventually.

    • #2186

      Thank you all for your messages and Guiv I will be sure to ask if I need help. There is an obedience training center near me and the folks there are very kind and knowledgeable. We have been today and last Sunday. It is really good for her social skills and for me to bond with her (that wasn’t hard at all). They do not permit any choke chains, training collars or aggression towards dogs which I think is great.

      I love our daily walks, it gets me outside which is a good thing as I am a little agoraphobic and won’t go out unless I have reason to do so. All in all I think this is a lovely thing. Who else would be ecstatic to see me when I have left the room for just three minutes?

    • #2284

      Someone dumped a new kitten on my mom’s porch. What was funny about this is my mom sends me a text with a picture attached to let me know. She’s like, “Look at this kitten someone just dumped on my porch” and her photographic skills are so horrid, I couldn’t help but bust out laughing and respond, “That’s not a kitten. That’s an alien!”

      I have since seen the kitten and can attest it is NOT an alien. Once I get a better picture, I will post it. Until then, laugh at my mom’s horrible photography.

      • #2817

        I finally have the picture I promised oh so long ago. Here is a better picture of that alien fluff ball that now lives on my mom’s side porch.


    • #2592

      Hello everyone
      I thought it was tile to update you on my new little rescue doggy, Lisa. She is adorable and is trying to get on with the cats. Kixou is jealous and sometimes scratches Lisa. My other cat, Max a big ginger Tom who is afraid of his own shadow still isn’t coming in the house.He has returned to the garden and comes to the kitchen window to be fed – so small steps.

    • #2598

      Having troubles posting today the above picture appears twice or not at all and I can’t post another picture. So here is one of Kixou and Liza having some truce time.

      • #2725


        Glad they are having truces on occasion…soon they’ll be besties, I am sure :).


    • #2719

      Hi all

      Well I’ve had a fun-filled week of taking care of our two new fur babies! Wednesday and Pugsley arrived in the UK from Cyprus on April 9th. My housemate/friend and I adopted them both from a rescue over there which rehomes in the UK and Europe. They are not really brother and sister, but we treat them as if they are and they are close – she follows him around everywhere and they sleep in a pile. They are currently 8 and 9 months old.

      They’re both little terrors and are into everything but they also both have very sweet natures so I’m sure the kitten-crazy will be grown out of at some point. As all cats seem to be, they have a love for cardboard and boxes and polystyrene (as discovered whilst unpacking new furniture). They hate the postman. They also seem to be thieves as I’m now missing various items of makeup that I’m fairly sure my housemate hasn’t taken (unless he’s secretly into drag and not telling me). Lol!

      • #2727


        What lovely photos! I love that you rescued them from a faraway land ;). Wednesday looks just like my mom’s cat, Indy. If I can get hold of a photo, I’ll post it so you can see. Kittens and young adult cats are super crazy, but they slowly begin to settle down and get lovier.

        May I suggest you look under cabinets, etc in the room with your makeup. I have a feeling that’s where you’ll find them. :)

        Grats again on the new family members!


    • #2755

      They are so sweet Kalicos.

      So nice that you rescued them :)

    • #2820

      Hey kinnies,

      I’m currently watching two special needs, elderly kitties. They are Bandit and Tika. Bandit has the Siamese coloring and Tika is the Calico long hair. I don’t know much about breed, cuz I always just adopt whoever needs a home, but they’re certainly some special breed.

      Enjoy these photos. They’re very proper and dour looking cats!


    • #2934

      Here is one of the friends that I made in Peru. There is something extremely delightful about baby monkeys, in particular. This one was very playful and kept jumping on my head. I can only assume that either my hair is so crazy that it reminds him of someone or that he thinks I need a comb over.

      Once I have time format the pics down to a smaller size, I’ll add several more!


    • #2938

      Ok, here’s the wee man that wanted to be a wig and/or ill-fitting Daniel boone hat. Isn’t he adorabs?!

      • #2943

        zomg cute :D I dont normally like monkeys too much but look at all that fuzz!

    • #2952

      OMG, Gui, what a cutie! I had no idea that “hairdressers” in Peru come with so much fur. ;-) Enjoy your vacation and “hasta luego”!

    • #2968

      Hello all, thanks for sharing your photos. The animals are all so cute. Gui that monkey on your head priceless. I wanted to share a couple of photos of my furry friends. My doggie’s name is Scrappy Doo he likes to sit near the heater vent when he is cold. My kitty is Alice, I adopted Alice from a co-worker when he was 6 weeks, I thought Alice was a girl until I gave him his first bath and found out he had male parts.

    • #2973

      Scrappy Doo?! I love that! He and I both hate the cold it seems. They’re adorable, Rue :). Thanks you for sharing with us.


    • #3039

      I’ve been promising pics of the other monkey orphans that I interacted with in Peru and I’m finally getting around to doing so. And, this is only the first batch!

      Bonus: Nice, close up view of my sunspots. Enjoy :)


    • #3046

      This is still part of Part 1, since I can only add five pics to each post…


    • #3170

      My Jack Russell! Named Sirius! 7-8 years old!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Husky. Reason: Pic didn't load up
    • #3177

      We spent a couple of hours shifting the living room furniture around yesterday. After the initial frantic exploration of Same Things In New Places, these two were pretty quick to adjust! :)

      • #3186

        That’s a lovely picture, Kali. Massive cuddle fest. My cats are always excited when I moved things around too or if I bring just one new small item into the house. “Initial frantic exploration of Same Things in New Places” is a perfect description! :)

        My cats never cuddle with each other like this. The closest to cuddling any of them get is when Minerva (who I’ve still not posted info on here) forces herself into the small spot between my leg and Artemis – she’s the biggest cat in the house – in an attempt to cuddle and consequently starts a cat fight. Artemis is my oldest (age 19) and is not a humongous fan of other cats. She only wants to cuddle with one being on this planet – me. My theory about the reason for this behavior in the three cats other than Minerva, is that they grew up without other kittens. Minevera, on the other hand, had a sister she grew up with whom she loved dearly, but I simply couldn’t take. I still regret that. So, she wants to cuddle with them like she did her sister, but none of my cats will put up with it.

    • #3307


    • #3310

      Hi there

    • #3312


      • #3315

        Adorable, Dino!


      • #3317

        Awwwwwwwwww (that’s pretty much my response to all things cute and fuzzy).

    • #3319

      Just a few more pics

    • #3526

      I thought I’d share this photo I took of Alice my cat. I named the photo Peek-a-boo.

      • #3535

        Aww! I see you, Alice Cat!

    • #4709

      Someone is very concerned about what I am doing…

      This is Gomez xD

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Kalicos. Reason: re-attaching files!
    • #4714

      Lovely, Kali! Gomez would just like to help battle the forces of evil, k? ;)

      You’ve been pretty quiet in kinchat, Kali. Talk to a Gui next time you’re on XD.


    • #4721

      Hello mates, I´m Andauriel nephew, we are from Venezuela but we are living in Colombia I love my country but situation is really really hard to be in there, I´m 2.3 years old, I love to play all day, my owners feed me everyday but I´m always hungry. I like to play with cats but don´t know why they hate me, I´m a friendly dog.

      I see a lot of new friends, I hope to play with them a lot!!!

    • #5011

      As some of you know, I rescued two kittens and a puppy this last Saturday. So, I’m posting pictures. The kittens already have a forever home, though they won’t go there for another week or two since they are so small. The pupper, who I’ve named Anubis or “Noobi”, may end up staying with either my mother or I. Aren’t they all so cute?

    • #5047

      My dogs, Roman is half german shep and half lab. My other is half chihuahua and half pom.

    • #5220

      My babygirl, Angel :)

      • #5223

        Babygirl is beautiful, Maggie :)

        Thanks for sharing.


    • #5283

      Here’s a pic of Minerva (bigger cat) and the kitten (McGonagall). Some cuddle action!

    • #5286

      So, here’s the puppy I rescued…that I think will get a new home soon.

      Her name is Anubis.

    • #5303

      Been meaning to post for ages!

      So here is Mistle, my old dog :)

      How much I loved her <3

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