Reply To: Campaign June 2016 – What do the candidates stand for?!


Hi all :]

Welcome to my meandering speech for the position for in-game officer. Apologies for going on a bit. Please feel free to wrestle the microphone off me / use the dreaded hook to pull me off stage at any time.

About me – I live in the UK, so I am on ST+5, but I’m originally from New Zealand, where hobbits grow like wildflowers and sheep roam the city streets. I’ve been with the Eagles since last year’s Coursera intake, though had a fairly substantial break in the middle when life happened and I moved from depressing Slough to sunny Essex by the sea! Rest assured I now have no life! So plenty of time to be online. ;]

I beta tested Lotro way back in the days of old and then created a trial account sometime in 2008. I flaunt my Of the Seven Stars title like I deserve it but I really don’t, because I have only ever played properly in the past year. I could never commit before because of my then-boyfriend, King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind. Yes, I’m afraid I am an Azeroth refugee. Please don’t hold it against me.

In all seriousness though, I played WoW for a good 7 or 8 years, and I was a guild leader for a small, casual guild for most of that time. I even got paid a little bit to blog about it for a while – I had a weekly column on the now defunct site omgRPG! and then on as part of an official writers group called ‘Quest!’.

Though I’m not even close to level 105 in Lotro yet, my time playing and writing about WoW gives me a lot of transferable experience. My play style is quite slow because I like to be social while I play, and thus I’m very keen to run events where we can all get together and have fun. I would like to bring some fresh ideas to the table and try out some new games with you all. I already have a few things in mind – totally open to suggestions as well.

I’d like to see the frequency of social events increase, as having fun together can only strengthen our bonds as a kin overall, across all levels. Due to my timezone I would be looking to run things between 3pm and 6pm ST on weeknights or after 10am ST on the weekends.

I’d also like to add that I’m a web designer professionally and as such if any extra assistance is needed with the Eagles site, whether its support for kinnies in terms of finding info/access or working on the site itself, I am available and more than happy to assist. That might be less of an in-game role but honestly, my brain is here if it’s needed.

As a final note I would say that I believe a huge part of the officer role is just being available, and not always to run things or help out with in-game challenges but also just to talk sometimes. I love to make friends, and I’m more than happy to chat with anyone who feels like it – I’d like to get to know all of you better. In my mind, Officers should be a reliable source of help, fellowship, and confidence for their kinmates and I would love the opportunity to be this for the Eagles. :]

Well done if you’ve managed to get this far without wandering off (it seems I’m allergic to brevity), and thank you for giving me your time to read my first attempt at winning you over. Please feel free to ask me questions or feedback either here or in-game, I am more than happy to answer. :]

– Kali

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Kalicos.