Reply To: Elections January 2018: Nominations


Hi, folks.

I’d like to put my name forward for an officer position. I have previously been an officer and council member in the Eagles; during that term, I was regularly running kin events and I’m intending to do so again. My particular interest leans towards the cap-level content, and my goal is to have regular lvl 115 runs of various sorts taking place.

More generally – I’ve seen some good progress recently on re-kick-starting the kin. There have been more events being organized, some new recruits joining, and some older members returning. The Eagles historically had a special vibe and vibrancy to its community, and I am very keen to work closely with the other officers to support this effort to revitalize it.

I would also like to put out a call to all Eagles to help with this effort. Your involvement in *any* form will be invaluable in this revitalization, whether it’s greeting people in the channel, answering questions, joining runs, or even organizing events (it’s not that scary, honest!). By working together, I firmly believe that the Eagles can have a bright future.

//Alaron (Alariabor, Alaruin, Alarron, Alarondir)