Reply To: Speed Leveling a New Set of Legendaries


Adding a suggestion on earning crystals.

Breg and I have recently run a couple of Hammer of the Underworld runs on toons that had not gotten platinum on quests or the battle. We platted the entire runs and I got 170 stars per run. Given that crystals cost 300 stars, you can see how you can crank up your ability to barter them pretty quick. The trick is to find epic battle where you do not have a lot of platinum medals already, as you get fewer rewards if you are just repeating past performance. If you have platted too many on your cap toons, consider that you can take lowbie toons through with someone who can pretty much ace the battle. I am not sure if lowbies get the same number of stars; I suspect the return might be a little lower, but for sure you’ll garner a lot of promotion points!