Reply To: July 2020 Elections


Resources for Officers:

Now that you know what officers do, how about what to expect from the experience? Well, you won’t be alone, wondering what to do next. Officers can take advantage of the below:

• Mentoring from current officers! We are here to advise and help you in your new role.
• We co-lead events with officers who feel they need some extra knowledge about an instance or are a little shy.
• Documents published on our Google drive: A general guide to officering and a guide to recruiting. Also an alt tracker that is a little easier to refer to than the in-game roster, with additional info.
• A monthly officer meeting in Discord, where we talk about concerns and solve all your problems, and even reveal the secret to life, the universe and everything.
• A secret handshake just for officers.
• Ideas on what kind of events to sponsor (spoiler: it can be as simple as duo runs, or as ambitious as 24-man groups, and can be compatible with your own game goals).
• Council Officers who can help if you have a particular problem or concern and want to discuss it more privately/urgently than in a monthly meeting.
• Emotional support hugs, sometimes with pie.
• An officer channel on Discord to help keep communications flowing, and to help keep you informed.

(Disclaimer: some of the above might not be true.)