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Hello kinnies,
I wondered about applying to be an officer since the election mail came out. I’m still not quite sure, but since there is no nomination yet, I thought I should start the discussion (“Je me jette à l’eau” in French). Maybe other will follow… I sure hope so !
I’d like to be part of the council because I love the kinship, especially its very open and supportive spirit, and I’d be happy to help. I have no real program though.
If I’m elected officer, I’ll keep the commitment to play at least 6 hours a week. But I’m in the Aussie timezone, and it means that I often play at weird hours for most of you. For example, I can’t participate to the kin events that are scheduled in the early afternoon (2pm server time means 6am the day after for me).
All this means that I might not make a very good officer.
Finally I’m a bit worried about the lack of nominations. I also wonder if any of the current council member intends to run again for another term. You did a truly amazing job, and we are all very thankful for that. I have difficulty to imagine going on without you, Gui, Saed, Kes, Neem and Luri.
See you in game !