Reply To: Nominations are open!


I’d like to stand for both officer and leader positions. I’d be honoured to be elected joint leader, but equally happy to continue my current officer role on the council.

Most of you already know me. I’ve been an Eagle since the first Coursera intake in September 2013, and an officer in the Eagles’ Council since it was founded just over a year ago.

I play mostly with my (currently level 90) Minstrel Saedhillian, though I have a lvl 30 Lore-Master alt Saedhilleth too. Once Saedhillian gets to 100 I plan to create a Guardian who’ll also be an Elf and also be called Saedhill-something.

I think it’s beneficial to the kinship if we have an officer online at all times. Our kinship spans the globe, so we need people representing as many timezones as we can. (As Neem says above. I drafted this before I read it. Didn’t mean to copy you, Neem!)

I’m British so I play ST+5. That means I see our European players regularly and overlap with many of our US players especially those who play quite early in the day and when I’m up way past my bedtime…

Because I’ve done it all before. I know how it works; I helped plan and build the kinship. I created the Eagles website and with Luri’s help I keep it running. I work on policy and planning behind the scenes with the other members of the council. It’s a lot of work and it can be hard, even draining. But I love this kinship and I’ll do whatever’s required to keep it lively and friendly, full of caring, loyal kinnies and with fun events to attend regularly. Because that’s the kind of kinship I want to be part of. I’m really proud of the Eagles and I want things to stay that way.

I’m also standing for leader, which of course I haven’t done before, but I’ve been at Gui’s side for the past year so I have an inkling of what it’s like. Like all of you, I can’t imagine the Eagles without Gui at the helm, but I also know that if she feels that she’d like to take a break then she certainly deserves to take one. And I’d be honoured to stand in her place, or alongside her, for the next six months.

In-game, well, I’d like to think you all know I’m there for you anyway, regardless of my officer status. I’m not the world’s most technical player but any of you can count on my long-distance light zapper (see, not technical) whenever you need an area cleared pretty fast.

Thanks to everyone who has put/puts themselves forward. We appreciate the commitment you’re making. And also thank you to everyone who’s said such kind words about the current council. We do work hard for the kinship, but hearing that you recognise and appreciate our input makes it all worthwhile.
