Crazy lag in the moors

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    • #2530

      Hey all,

      Thought I’d share one of the many funny lag experiences in the moors. So last night I was with some allies and we were at freep base camp, Glan Vraig (GV). As I went to join them at the bottom of the steps, I jumped off the steps and got caught in a continual fall loop. I ended up floating in the air and couldn’t log out as I was in combat :(
      I managed to get out of it and tried the other side of the stairs. This time I got stuck in mid-air above my raid group who were fighting below. I managed to get one hit off but then got stuck. It was weird.

      Alcarnarmo took some pics but I’ll need to grab them from him. Here are mine.

    • #2536
      Hamesh (Ame)

      Too funny, neem! The funniest moors lag story I have happened in the keep of Lugazag. A full creep raid and freep raid were battling inside the keep, which always causes lag. So everyone pretty much is standing staring at each other, waiting for one of their skills to finally fire.

      But the funny part was, a freep came in on his horse and just kept riding around in the Captain-General room! Normally freeps can’t ride horses inside the keep. Wish I had thought to take a pic – had the time to do it because of the crazy lag.

    • #2542

      Hahaha, that is funny.

      Yes, lag and skill lock in Lugz is terrible.

      Have you ever experienced the whole, you see the fight before your eyes and you’re still alive but can’t move. However, someone tells you that you died about 2 minutes ago, but you’re still alive in the fight? That cracks me up.

    • #2590

      I thought we were meant to be fighting these guys but lotro had other plans for us…….a lag race…

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