Introducing the candidates!

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    • #1449

      Thanks to all the kinnies who have put themselves forward as a candidate in this round of Eagles’ Elections. We’ve had lots of kinnies come forward for the Junior Officer role, and we’re very pleased to see such a positive response to the new position.

      Here are the candidates for each role, with a short pitch from each. They’ll all be able to add their own follow-ups in the comments. Equally, should you have questions you’d like to ask any or all of the candidates, you can do that in this thread. Post a comment and the candidates will respond with their answers.

      alts: Catla, Nimenith, Saeldyn, Thraingrim
      timezone: EST
      pitch: Nim is a level 47 Elf Guardian. She is always ready to help out others if needed. She loves a good challenge and is known to go after monsters(orcs, goblins) that are at a higher level than she is. My motivation is that I really love the kinship and want to help in any way I can to keep it going. I also already have an email for my character set up. The skills I bring to the position are that I’m a detail-oriented person, and a very organized person. I pay close attention to even the smallest detail on things.

      alts: Scoto, Xerbius, Gecno, Astolar
      pitch: a dps beorning. guild crafted weaponsmith.main interest is help others to learn game and have fun doing it.i ve been in game almost 3 yrs.

      alts: Almadiel, Asderel
      timezone: ST+1
      pitch: I have a lvl 100 mini, and some lower lvl alts. I’ve played for more than 3 years and tried all the classes in game, so I can help new players to get acquainted with their toons. I also know a bit about monster play, so I can introduce some kinnies to pvp, if there’s interest. I am also available to help with planned skirms and instances.

      alts: Thehuntress
      timezone: EST
      pitch: I spend most of my time on Bonnie and will be getting a headset soon to help with skirts and raids

      alts: Ametrina, Amelkiel, Amelduwen
      timezone: ST-3
      pitch: Amerrel is a Lore-master who reached level 100 on April Fool’s Day this year – no kidding! I served as a temporary officer during this year’s Coursera session, and enjoyed being able to recruit new people into this great kinship. I also enjoy helping kinnies through crafting or with quests, just as I was helped when I first started.

      alts: Madhelnion
      timezone: ST+7
      pitch: My character is a Minstrel and a hobbit lvl 54 now,the reason i want to be junior is because i want to know all about being an officer before i even go for further posts and thought that i should start from the beginning that is being a junior officer,and also i will try my level best to follow the rules that are required for me being a junior officer! Thanks

      alts: none
      timezone: ST+6
      pitch: I have been playing for a year and received a lot of help from kinnies, so I would like to help a bit. Although I have a lot of things to learn, I can add up to the pool of common knowledge. On character: Maed is a squeamish blue line hunter currently working on deeds throughout ME.

      alts: Sansaeth, Sansaen
      timezone: ST+6
      pitch: My level 90-ish mini can work as either red line or a mix of blue and yellow if a healer is needed. I’d like to apply so I help out in the kin. I’m quite good at lotro research (for quests or other things) and I like to think I’m nice enough that people feel comfortable talking to me if they need to.

      alts: Neemreth, Rainyaviel
      timezone: ST+4 soon to be ST+8
      pitch: My main character is a healer, so there’s nothing more that she likes than making others feel better. She was a coursera participant 3 runs back, loves organising events and enjoys helping out where she can

      alts: Shandernagor, Shandeormir, Lankoe
      timezone: ST+14
      pitch: I started playing Lotro 18 months ago thanks to the Coursera class. I joined the Eagles about one year ago. I loved the kin so much I wanted to help so I put my hands up to be an officer in the last elections. I think the Council is essential in making the Eagles such an active and enjoyable kin. I’d be happy to serve for one more term as a senior officer. I like playing different characters at different levels, not only end-game stuff. I love group play in all format, even though I’m not always able to join due to timezone differences.

      alts: Aglarwyn, Aglaryn, Aglaralyn
      timezone: ST-1
      pitch: Aglarwen is a champion and likes to face problems head-on, usually with a big hammer. As an officer, I also like to face problems head-on, but usually without the hammer. :) I love the Eagles and would be honored to continue serving the kinship in any way I can.

      (no candidates have filled out the form yet…)

    • #1456

      I forgot to add to my pitch that I served as a temporary officer for this year’s Coursera session and really enjoyed the experience. I joined the kinship during the 2013 Coursera session I believe and have loved every minute of being part of it.

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