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- This topic has 12 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
April 20, 2015 at 11:18 pm #1150
ParticipantFor those if you interested in learning more about the upcoming changes to LIs, watch this video for helpful information: http://www.twitch.tv/lotrostream/v/4010618. If we see any other great resources, we’ll let you know. If you have any great resources to add, let us know!
Gui -
April 20, 2015 at 11:42 pm #1151
ParticipantThis link is also very useful to better understand the new system :
Dadi’s guide to new LI systemFrom what I gathered from this post and the lotro forums, my conclusion is it’s urgent to wait !
All the changes in Bullroarer are still work in progress, far from being definitive. So it’s best to wait till they are before taking any decision.
It’s not hard to wait if you already have your 1st age lvl 100 LI maxed out. If you’re looking into building one, my advice would be to have a good look at the legacies that are going to change for your class, so you don’t end up with something you don’t want. Even so, there is no guarantee, as this is the part where it’s likely there’s gonna be the most changes.Finally, I won’t rush in to imbue my weapon when the update goes live either, because it seems cheaper to upgrade before imbuement rather than post imbuement. And you’re still not guaranteed to be able to get your weapon at the level it was before.
April 22, 2015 at 8:53 pm #1167
ParticipantThanks for posting this, Mirv! :)
April 30, 2015 at 2:23 pm #1210
ParticipantHey guys,
Lotro developers just posted a great page with additional information on the embuement system. Check it out! https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articles/legendary-item-imbuement-dev-diary.
May 1, 2015 at 12:21 am #1229
ParticipantAnd Dadi updated his guide : http://rarebreed.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10816195&p=37714469&gid=233773#37714469bottom
May 5, 2015 at 11:57 pm #1271
ParticipantA few updates :
-the list of all existing legacies, old and new ones for all classes : https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?568112-Complete-legacy-listing-(except-bridles)I found this one more helpful compared to the one listing only changing legacies.
May 6, 2015 at 5:34 pm #1273
ParticipantSeveral people have voiced angst over being overwhelmed by Dadi’s guide. The guide is really great, but it also freaked me out the first time I tried to read it. I ended up summarizing the steps into fewest possible words. Once I got a grip on that, re-reading the guide was much better for me. I ignored all the info on what things “cost”, at least for now. I’m still not an expert, so if anyone finds errors or wants to add, please do. But here is my checklist that resulted from the guide. Totally pirated from Dadi, bless him, so don’t credit me with too much here. But writing it out like this separated it from discussions of point costs and stuff I don’t need or understand right now. I can blindly follow it and get back to other aspects later.
Note: some of the materials you need (e.g., crystals) are given as rewards on the epic. It’s a good argument for doing only the epic til you get all your stuff, then imbuing, and then going back for quests. This will give you an imbued weapon ready to absorb all those good ixp points from quest turn-ins.
Steps that I follow on each toon “if” I choose to max out all stats:
(Note: not maxing out pre-imbuement just means spending more coins, or something, later on, so up to you if you want to do this. The order of the below is not particularly important. Skip what you want on the understanding there is some kind of extra cost later).Step 1. Apply crystal of Remembrance (note that doing epic will give you at least one freebie). This step gives you a 7th legacy slot.
Step 2. Apply final legacies (check the changed legacies, and swap out for your ideal mix now).
Step 3. add Scroll of Delving (to open up level cap to 70). (I think you might get one from epic, can’t recall. )
Step 4. add 3 Starlit crystals (You can get one from epic, and tier 3 skirms have a chance to drop them.)
Step 5. Level up to 70. (I found that DA relics barter npc gives 569k runes for only 20 silver coins. Also, skirm camp offers them). Note that you are still getting upgrades at reforging, so leave one at t5 for your last reforge.
Step 6. Max your legacies to t6 (or at least your most important ones, this gives you higher cap on them). Anfalas empowerment scrolls are avilable from legendary barter at skirm camps. You also get at least one from epic line.)
Step 7. Imbue and go forth.
I started worksheets for each class that I print out, and then I check off the items as I complete them. This helps me to not panic and get confuzzled. My toons also each have an “imbuement” chest in the vault, to put crystals, scrolls, and legacies in one place. This is good if you have a lot of toons, as you don’t want to do them all at once. If it seems helpful, I can put copies of my worksheets for printing.
Note on “new weapons” …. if you have a weapon that has not hit 40 yet, you should swap out all your ideal legacies BETWEEN 31 AND 39. This gives you a chance to get all the offered legacies up to 30, and then swap out for ideal mix before you start reforge upgrades between 40 and 70. It will save you some scrolls of empowerment.
May 7, 2015 at 9:36 am #1274
ParticipantThanks for summarizing this Seremond!
I think you’re right to say in your note that anything can be done after imbuing, simply at a greater cost.
This said, getting your LI at least to lvl 30 before imbuing is essential. This way, you have 6 legacies for free. After imbuing, you need to pay for each extra legacy.
Of my 2 LI, only one was fully prepared as described here. I chose to imbue both anyway. I could almost max out the one that was prepared, and it’s considerably more powerful now. The second is weaker than it was before, but it will gather iXP quickly while questing in the new area.-
May 7, 2015 at 4:37 pm #1275
ParticipantI am thinking of doing the same, Mirveth. One of my legendaries will be imbued at the moment of perfection, while the other might be brought up more slowly. For me, this is going to be a matter of how many skirmish marks I have to keep things moving along. Also, with the new epic line giving us so many anfalas crystals, scrolls of empowerment, of delving, and the crystals of remembrance, I think we all have a fair shot at making some excellent items. I noted above that there is one crystal of remembrance awarded in epic at the start. Yesterday, I got a second one in Osgiliath. Can those be used after imbuement, also?
Also, as an addendum to the above post, I am not sure about this but … I think I saw that all points on the legendary should be spent up before imbuing. I am not sure of the difference it would make, but it wouldn’t hurt to go ahead and spend everything into legacies before imbuing.
May 7, 2015 at 6:14 pm #1279
ParticipantThis information is great!
I read the same information Seremond about spending as many points first before imbuing-the forger NPC tells you this when you ask for info about imbuing and LIs.
May 7, 2015 at 11:00 pm #1280
ParticipantI didn’t know about the points, but I had redistributed them anyway before imbuing.
You definitely can use a crystal of remembrance after imbuing. It’s the only way to increase the number of legacy if you imbue before reaching lvl 30, as there is no reforging process. It might be even better in case you don’t have the legacy you want ready to place in the open spot. I couldn’t find the legacy I wanted from deconstructing 3rd age weapons. I could have get it from the store, but it’s 500 TP. So I use the crystal after imbuing, and I had the choice of any possible legacy available for the item.
Getting the right legacies in the old system can be quite a pain, or you need to use TP to buy them. -
May 7, 2015 at 11:35 pm #1282
ParticipantI keep a supply of all the desirable legacies in my vault, which I find easy because I level a lot of legendaries constantly. I have a system for farming level 5 to 7’s, as many as 10 in a single break-down. I keep that rolling all the time so I can reach tier 10’s much faster than the “break at 31 rule”, which I don’t think anyone should be doing anymore. With that running, I nab the good legendaries and bank them.
One thing about this new system: it made me sit down and re-think my old preferences for legendaries. I experimented with Raise the Spirit, which I used to not like, but found that with my current crit rate (due to all this jewelry and essence gear we have), the crits happen very frequently with a satisfying rate of heal. I kept that on my forever legendary.
May 11, 2015 at 4:27 pm #1314
ParticipantMinstrels take note:
Have learned in game and with 90% confirmation in forums that the minstrel legacy for Hammberhand magnitude is being discontinued. It was overlooked in the guides. It does not convert to another legacy, but just turns into an empty slot.
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