WeatherStock (Landroval) Today and tomorrow!

Welcome to the Eagles of Thorondor Eagles of Thorondor forums The Eagles’ Nest WeatherStock (Landroval) Today and tomorrow!

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    • #4522


      One of my favourite off server events is happening right now: WeatherStock.

      It’s a concert run on top of WeathertopFestival Grounds Stage. It runs over the weekend.

      You have to create an alt on Landroval and need safe porting add Darimwar to your friend list and if I’m around I’ll port you.

      There will be ambassadors monitoring world chat ready to bring you to the concert, so you will find help.

      I will aim to give more notice next time around.

      For more info here’s the official website:

      Hope to see you there!


      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by luringdad jenkyns. Reason: add weather stock link
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by luringdad jenkyns. Reason: not at weather top this time
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