News from the Eagles w/c 19th of Mar


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    • #4235


      Hail Eagles, and well met!

      Welcome to our weekly newsletter. This will replace the in-game mails notifying you of new recruits, events and other news. Any info that doesn’t fit in this in-game message will be in the full post here:



      – Want to move into our Kinship homestead? Well Seremond has spotted has 1 x standard and 2 x deluxe houses become available in Falgo’s Delf.
      – See the photos from our Taking the Hobbit(s) to Isengard!

      EVENTS (All times are Server Time) – Barrow Downs Themed Week

      If you have an idea for a theme drop me a note!

      Wed – 4PM – Saed and Luri’s Barrow Down Survival – Can we best our current record of 45mins?

      Thu – 9PM – Hagenti runs the Great Barrow!

      Fri – 9PM – Ala is doing our regular Pel runs in the Barrow Downs! loljk

      Sat – 4PM – Saed and Luri’s Barrow Down Deeds

      There may be more events, so check the Eagles calendar!

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by luringdad jenkyns. Reason: bitly
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by luringdad jenkyns. Reason: last minute news
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by luringdad jenkyns. Reason: trying to fit the in-game mail
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