Meneldor is closing

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    • #1554

      Dear fellow kinnies,
      Unfortunately, we just learned that Meneldor will be closing in the coming weeks, it will certainly be the last to close, as the largest world, and the last on the list. We still have time to prepare. We want to make a concerted move with our allies, and we need to discuss our destination among the remaining servers (Landroval, Gladden, Arkenstone, Crickhollow) with them. We’ll let you know as soon as possible where we’ll be pursuing our adventures.

      We’ll also tell you how we plan to organize the transfer so it goes as smoothly as possible. We know already that the recommended order is leader first, then house owners characters, and finally other chars.

      If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask one of the senior officers, or post it in the comments.

    • #1566

      Sad news that the server is closing but we can still move and hopefully have the same as we have here.

      Do you know what happens if we already have characters on one of the other servers? I have quite a few on Landroval as that was where I started when I did the course.

    • #1567

      Turbine has given 2 more characters slots for free to VIP and Premium. If you need more or if you are free to play, you need to buy characters slots (they said they were looking at doing a sale on those). The maximum amount of characters on a given server has been doubled, so you should be fine.

      • #1572

        Thank you for that information Mirveth.

    • #1568

      Hey Guys its Gigglo,How is everyone doing? I got news from Amon that our server is closing which is a very big surprise to me and i was shocked cause i was sure it would not close,aw well lotro knows best anyways,i will be having my finals exams next week so wont be able to come on but if there is any transfer needed to be done can you please let me know before the end of this week of you guys dont mind,cause i really dont want to loss my characters and i really love the kin so do please let me know! Thanks guys.

    • #1573

      Hi Madhelnion,

      Don’t worry! Meneldor is the last server to transfer, so the transfer service won’t open for us before weeks. Unfortunately, no precise calendar has been given by Turbine. For now, they’re testing with copies to Bullroarer only, they will open the transfers between the remaining worlds in a week or two. If all goes well, the first two worlds to transfer will then be opened for transfer, then 2 servers at a time, each spaced 1-2 weeks.
      So absolutely no rush, here!

    • #1590

      Dear kinnies,

      Following your feedback, the Eagles are leaning towards making Arkenstone their new home, in line with TEB alliance preference.
      This is still a tentative choice, and we will review the situation after the first waves of migration.

      For the destination of other Meneldor kinships, check this thread.

      Any questions, please ask!

    • #1606

      I saw that the transfer wizard is now available on the login screen. I also got a message in my mail on how to move a character and a gift. Looks like it is rolling out quite fast.

      The message says that improvements to the system means that more people will be able to play on each server. This consolidation is not supposed to effect play.

      Sometimes when I am looking for quest items and other players are in the same area it is a little frustrating, specially as I am not the fastest off the blocks. Do you think this will happen more on a more crowded server? I don’t see how it can not. I hope that it wont have too big an effect. Just thinking of twice the number of people running through the haunted burrow …….

      Of course we will need to suck it and see. I am a trifle concerned though. I will follow the Eagles with all my characters wherever they go.

    • #1609

      The transfers will open tomorrow morning (8/20) in the US only between surviving worlds (Brandywine, Gladden, Landroval, Arkenstone, Crickhollow). I encourage you to test the transfer feature with dummies characters created just for this reason on one of these worlds, so you won’t stress when it’s time to transfer your main and your whole Meneldor account.

      You might be right, Nidalal, some quests with specific items might become a bit harder to complete. I remember having the same issue with an epic quest in the last release. But more players mean also more opportunity to form fellowships to complete group quests. I’m sure in the end the trade-off will be positive, even with all the trouble of the migrations.

    • #1610

      Today the new transfer process officially begins!

      With the patch that has gone live this morning, we have made transfers available to players moving between the following worlds. We will be starting with opening the remaining EU world transfers this morning and then will move to remaining US worlds this afternoon.
      EU: Laurelin, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Evernight, Belegaer
      US: Brandywine (off world only), Gladden, Landroval, Crickhollow, Arkenstone

      Transfers between these worlds will be free until October 1st. Transfers to Brandywine are currently not available, but we do intend to make them available in the coming months.

      We will be opening transfers off of the closing worlds starting in the next few weeks based off the performance of this initial set.
      For details and FAQ regarding the new transfer process and world closures, please see the following article:

      Thank you,
      Athena “Vyvyanne” Peters
      Executive Producer”

    • #1612

      So, the kinship is still leaning towards Arkenstone then? Been away from lotro for a while, but still keeping tabs on the transfers.

    • #1613

      Yes, it’s still Arkenstone. We might review the decision mid-September, once the first servers to close have migrated, if the situation have changed radically by then.

    • #1619

      Hey guys, I haven’t been around in a few months because I can’t play where I am (gawdawful slow internet). I wanted to see where you guys are going since the kin is active, unlike my main kin on Elendilmir, where my mains currently are. I’m going to see about consolidating my toons across the different worlds.

      I read they have a full kin merger option. Is that what you’ll be doing? Or will you be doing individual transfers?

    • #1621

      Hi Lohla,

      There is the possibility for kinship to transfer and keep their history and such. The leader transfers first, and the kin is then re-established on the new server. Each member still has to transfer their toons individually to the same server, but they will be automatically added to the kin on the destination server.
      I don’t know exactly what you mean about a merger option, but there’s no project of merging different kins. However, we do want to coordinate our move with our allies.
      Currently, and as stated above, Arkenstone is our likely destination.

    • #1622

      Transfers have reopened for US surviving servers for a couple of days only, until Friday morning. The transfers from the closing worlds won’t open before mid-September, so Meneldor’s transfer is likely to be only in October. Good news is, they might have the new hardware by the time we transfer.
      Vyvyanne’s post is here.

    • #1632

      Does anyone know how housing will work when we transfer? I think they will go into escrow and we buy new ones on the new servers – is that right? Will there be the same housing areas or new ones just for people moving in so all the Kin can still have houses together on the new server?

      I have my main account with Nida and Raca who have a house. Then another free account with one character levelled up just to buy the house next door for the extra shared storage. I hope I can do the same again.

    • #1633

      Mirveth – I was talking about me consolodating my toons across the servers I’m on, not merging kins… and maybe I should’ve used the word ‘migrating’ the kin not ‘merging’, sorry.

      Nidalal – you’re right, your housing will go into escrow. You can read everything here:

      • #1634

        Thank you for the link Lohla. It explains everything. I will need to move my two house owners quickly and jope to get two adjoining houses. :)

    • #1635

      We will try to secure again a whole neighborhood for our kin, but it might be difficult, as Meneldor is the last to move. It will depend if Turbine releases more housing space as the transfers are progressing.

      One very important thing to check before moving is if there are any items bound to another character in your house. Those items won’t follow the house owner, but instead be returned to the character they are bound too. If, unfortunately, this character doesn’t exist anymore on the server (either it has already moved, or it has been deleted), the items will be lost.

      • #1637

        Oh – that is a good tip – Thanks Mirveth.

    • #1641

      Are there any news about where we are moving? I somehow had the idea leaders were meeting mid-September, so I am just checking in :-).

    • #1642

      Hey Maed, we wanted to wait for the first migration waves to be done to check the new situation. We thought this would be done by mid-September. But Turbine delayed the server moves, and the first server to close has just started its migration. So we’ll wait a bit longer before taking a final decision. We’ll keep everyone up-to-date asap.

    • #1643

      OK, thank you :-). Then I will be checking in-game mail and this space :-).


    • #1657

      A good guide has been put together to summarize in one place most of the information we know about transfers.

      There are still some shadowy areas. For example, in my experience moving a kin leader (twice with alts/scouts on other servers), the kin wasn’t disbanded on the departure server. This, in a way, is reassuring as we’ll still be able to communicate through the kin channel in this case.
      Otherwise, the senior officers plan to leave a lower alt behind on Meneldor anyway, as long as necessary to make sure everyone makes it safely to our new home.

    • #1669

      Great find, Mirv!

      There’s a recommendation that we take screen shots of items in our chest, vault, shared storage and wardrobe too…just in case. Also, as your friend’s list doesn’t travel with you, I’d screen shot that too.

      Better safe than sorry.


    • #1677

      Does that mean we’ve made a final decision on Arkenstone?

    • #1678

      Not yet :(, only 2 US servers are in the process of transferring so far…

    • #1679

      I am not able to play at the moment. Is there any sign of moving servers in the near future? I will need to get on line to move my characters.

      Thank you


    • #1680

      Hi Nida,

      The 4th wave of transfer is for Anduin and Nimrodel on October 12th. There are still 5 US servers to transfer after these ones before Meneldor. If they continue at the same rhythm, it means still 6 weeks before transfer for us.

    • #1682

      Thank you Mirveth
      I hope to be back in a calmer period by then. :)

    • #1683

      We can now officially confirm the destination of the Eagles: Arkenstone!!!

    • #1684

      Great to have a new home! Thanks for all the work, guys.

      EDIT: So, just to clarify, transfers to Arkenstone aren’t open yet? If I go to transfer only Bullroarer and Palantir are available.

    • #1693

      No, they aren’t opened yet for us, and transfers are now on pause until they have moved to the new hardware, to handle the increase load. So I won’t even try to make a guess.

      Here is the last update from Vyvanne as of today.

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